Tuesday 25 December 2018

Oh Allah. I am sorry for the days that I sounded ungrateful. I am sorry for the days for
not being a good muslimah. Guide me the way, Ya Allah.

It's nice to know that I am being needed :')

Monday 17 December 2018

Stabbed my heart from time to time upon the thoughts of never being adequate

Saturday 15 December 2018

Hi, holidays! We meet again, alhamdullilah. Nope, no time to slack. Unfortunately.

My stomach feels uneasy. Basically pooped water for the last 3 days. I am not sure what quite happened here. I know I ate salad from Cold Storage near my workplace. I ate some healthy wholemeal oat buns too. The next day, I came running to the toilet and there it was watered poop. My stomach churned and churned. I had some sort of contractions as if someone is squeezing my intestines. My cousin gave me some medications yesterday and I feel so much better now. Alhamdullilah. My stomach feels empty though. In shaa Allah, takde pape. I just want to be healthy.

Haven't seen my siblings for a while now. I miss them. Is this how it feels to grow up? I am cooped in my room, the door locked. Fiddling with handphone, scrolling through facebook and youtube. Deactivated my Instagram recently. I feel the need to purge my thoughts from the judgment and negativity of social media. I hope it stays this way. I should create a new facebook account as well. I don't know 95% of my facebook friends.

I look forward to spending my time with my fiance. I always look forward to meeting him, and his family. I look forward to seeing my cousins, my other family members. I have so many things running in my mind. What am I suppose to do first? What's important first?

I call my fiance, KOC. In WhatsApp of course. I don't feel like referring him to any of his initials yet. Well, he reminded me of the importance of Allah. I always feel..... lonely. I always, low key, complain of being lonely. Allah is always there. Have I done enough to call Him out? Why must I feel this way? All my flaws and mistakes slowly exposed. I feel He is reaching towards me, showing me the solutions. I guess I am too ignorant to realize. Dumb and ignorant. Forgive me. 😪

I feel my motivation does not come in the form of actions, instead, words. I feel I need a push. How am I going to be the best version of myself, if I am so ignorant? Where's the girl who used to jot down things in her random book. Her ideas, her thoughts. Where is that person?

Oh Allah, help me. I am lost. I need guidance.

To avert your attention from my helpless self, I have thought about an idea of creating a superhero character in comics. It may sound stupid, but it might be an interesting project.

Til then, goodnight xx

Wednesday 28 November 2018

I think you probably already heard about how my feelings get suppressed because I don't wish to discuss or vent out. I feel other people has bigger problems than mine. Then, who am I to complain? Well, tonight. All those suppressed feelings finally burst out. I have been holding back my feelings too much. Not talking about it seems easier. It sucks.

On a happier note, one paper down. Alhamdullilah. 5 more papers to go.

Saturday 17 November 2018

I am so tired.

Wednesday 24 October 2018

Is having your fun and zany personality being stripped away from you means growing up? Is always being tired leads to you feeling like you have a mediocre life? Honestly, it sucks to realise that you are more quiet now. I meant me. I am more quiet and reserved and God knows why. Speaking of which, my circle of friends are getting smaller and smaller. My whole life revolves around school and work. On the hand, I am blaming myself for this. Self inflicted. Poor to lack of time management. I chose to follow the routined life.


If other people can find a way to have fun and just enjoy creating more moments in life, why can't I?

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Like most of the years, 2018 is passing by in a blink of an eye. With the thought of graduation next year, am I really ready for adulthood? Of course I am but it's gonna be a bit weird transitioning from schooling to working because home girl has been schooling since forever. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for all my achievements so far. Alhamdullilah. Big planes ahead, when I mean big. It's big. Ya Allah, ease my affairs. Bless me in everything I do. Amin.

I have been working consistently during holidays now. And man, even though work is tiring. I love work. The people, the customers and what's not. And if you didn't already know, I am working part time in retail @ Orchard. Thanks to my sayang, Dini, I had the opportunity to work. Thanks sayang! Now there's no reason for me to complain, "dah lama tak jalan jalan kat town" because I'm at town like 4/5 days a week. The thought of gg work after sch already makes me so tired than I alr am right now 😩 I do miss the naps I used to take after school. But oh wells. It's totally fine.

Sometimes, I wonder. The people along the streets or whoever, whom asked for money from strangers. I really can't tell apart from those who are actually needy and those who aren't. A week ago, an old man at the bus stop near my place was staring at me weirdly. I knew la like something was not right. He went up to me complaning about his son, his condition and how
he did not have money to eat. I fished out a note and gave it to him. He seemed so grateful. But as I boarded the bus, he sat down at the seat where I first saw him. It got me thinking, is he going to ask for money from other people besides me? I don't mind lending a helping hand but if someone does it deliberately to con you. Well, that sucks. We will never know people's intentions so it's better to just keep quiet. I know of some people who pesters you, "forces" you to donate. That is really ridiculous la cmon la. 

Anyhoo, I want to get something off my chest.

I hate to think of bad memories or any kind of situation(whether present/past) which isn't a pleasant one. Especially when you were the one being kicked in the dirt without even knowing why you deserve that. But I truly feel disturb and certainly DO NOT APPRECIATE if anyone still checks up on me on a regular or frequently. I forgive but I won't ever forget all the hardships that dragged me down. Especially those that scarred me. I know too much and I am so grateful that I am out of the hell hole. There will always be a certain someone who will talk trash about you that isn't true just to make him/her look good or appear innocent. *coughs* Tahu tak apa fitnah? Well, this world is so small I know. Tapi tkde kene mengena jangan nak kirim salam ke apa. Dah maafkan dah bagus, sudah tu sudah. Takde kaitan lagi kalau nak tanya kau kenal sesiapa yang aku kenal abeh nak mcm beri khabar. Some people tak sedar diri. Act as if nothing happened. So.... I never want to cross paths ever again. Don't check on me. Don't ask about me. Don't ever ask about my family members or friends. :)

Monday 13 August 2018

Type delete type delete. It's so difficult to put your words into sentences. Or put your feelings into sentences that is...

I feel I have been too caught up in dunia matters at times, and I sometimes catch myself for it. I will tell myself to take a step back and breathe..... and think of Allah. I may not be someone who is really really religious, I'm flawed. Yet I am grateful to have a family and actually am part of a family that is practicing Islam. Constantly and consistently reminding me that one should not be away from Him. 

Sometimes, we can't help out to think of dunia matters. Especially when you feel there's always a problem or a situation thrown at you. When you have to adapt to changes. When you have to keep challenging yourselves to be better people. Sometimes, I feel.... what did I do to be so...  blessed? I am living in a country that is safe(please don't take this for granted everyone), have a loving family, have an opportunity to study and excel, have wonderful friends. Alhamdullilah for everything. What did I do to deserve this? I always feel I don't say thank you enough, be grateful enough. I always feel nothing from me is amounted to be good enough for Allah. I feel so imperfect. Yet I feel so blessed that I get to live through another day. Or am I grateful that He has given me patience and positiveness  to overcome problems. I don't know what it is. The more I talk, the more I felt that the conversation is going elsewhere but I am really thankful for this life. I could have it worse.

I know everyone comes from different family backgrounds. Everyone leads a different life. But what I am certain, everyone is here in this Dunya for a purpose. And whatever we do, I hope and I pray all of us will reflect at the end of the day. No happiness comes from us but from Him. We will always think and thank our Creator. For all the good and the bad. Because the good comes from Him and the bad only comes from us. 

To those who had it worser than me, those are the people that are stronger than me. And if you ever feel that nothing can be better, I hope you'll find your way towards Him. ❤️ That's your only answer. 

Friday 10 August 2018

Basic form of respect or being tactful towards the feelings of othersD

Aye okay this may be a quick one. Just a random thought that's running in my head right now just because I have observed a few situations with my own eyes and of course from what I have encountered back then.

Everyone wants to have that basic mutual respect towards each other. We wouldn't want to belittle the feelings of others right? Because why? We don't want to get our feelings belittled as well. Let's cut straight to the chase shall we...


Damn it, if you want to bahasakan orang ke ape ke. Jgn la nak tell the whole world about it. If ye la pun you fight with your friends or  or your mum or your girlfriend or your boyfriend, why is it a need to highlight their mistakes or wrongdoings and make it known to the whole world? I know social platforms are a good way to rant things out (ayeeeee blogging here) but if it involves the feelings of others that you do not have the intention to hurt, just don't.

For example ah kononnya, Mary ada boyfriend. Nama dia Ben. Mary has been a good girlfriend. Always put in a lot of effort in the relationship, surprise the bf with gifts and such, always being there for him. Ben, being his clueless self, sometimes don't take a hint. Ada la satu hari he made a mistake.
Let's say he lacked in "putting in the effort" part. (Ye la no one is perfect mcm Mary kan sounds like she's a keeper. Keeper sgt sampai mulot mcm....")

Mary start ah ranting in social media and indirectly using movie references to you know... get her message across: "hais why don't edward cullen exist in real life, always put in effort for Bella. Where can I get a man like that" alaaa you can defend all you want but you hell know who you want the message to get across to right?

This is what I meant by belittling the feelings of others. Of course how much a dumbass a person of your boyfriend can be, wouldn't it hurt to rant it somewhere without making it known to any audience? You wouldnt know if he is trying at times even if it's barely there. Why would you want to bring others down for their weaknesses? "Ahhhh maybe to push them to be better people" Uhhh no. If you don't like what a person is doing or any issue that might have arised due to the lack of your selflessness, can you just tell them straight to their face. Tk pon msg pon boleh. There's always a polite manner to handle a situation?

Hais. Im sorry, readers. Truly am. For the sudden outburst. As I myself, have been in this situation before. I have been Mary. HAHAHHAHA. I mean dulu la ye masih in the teens. I admit, i was upset with myself when i read back those statements I made. I mean ye la if someone did me wrong, it wasnt a good way to air their mistakes. Kite pon bukan manusia perfect. In the process of getting our frustrations across, we hurt people along the way. We don't hurt people if they have hurt us. I know it may seem unfair but good always win. It's hard to control emotions sometimes. I do argue with my mum too Sometimes as for an example. But If She would to read all the nasty stuffs I aired out, wldnt it hurt her too? Why would you hurt others for the  hurt that  others inflicted on ourselves? That's just my point of view. You guys may disagree but definitely there are better ways to solve a situation.

It creates an opportunity for unwanted audience to chime in. We don't want that kind of drama.

How difficult it gets, respect the feelings of others. Even if they Are the wrong. Belittling them won't makes us good of a person.


Saturday 19 May 2018

The art of giving


Sorry, sis biskot for a while. Hilang sekejap, very occupied with life. *coughs* I don't know apa angin I feel like blogging. There's so much things contained inside of me that I have to let it out here. Firstly, Ramadhan Kareem to all my Muslim homies all over the world. If you love to fast, say AYEEEEEE. "AYE!" If you love to terawih, say AYEEEEEE. "AYE!" If you love the Ramadhan vibes say OKUUUUURRRRTTTT. "OKURRRRRTTTT!" Noice.

Alhamdullilah, for being able to live another day. Experience the fasting month. I hope you guys are doing well. Healthy and happy, especially. 

Let me avert your attention back to the topic of today, "The Art of Giving". Sounds like a fancy book title, right?

“Give others all that is alive in us—our interest, understanding, our knowledge, our humor, everything in us that’s good. In doing so, we enhance the sense of aliveness in others while enhancing our own. When we give, we get a “heightened vitality” of what it means to be human.” –Erich Fromm

A penny for my thoughts. I grew up in a household where the art of giving always takes place. I can never emphasize further on how the art of giving truly shows the fervent meaning of real happiness? So, what exactly is the art of giving? I am no good at stringing words or sentences together, but in shaa Allah, I will try my best. I feel people who has the art of giving embedded in their hearts find real happiness within themselves with no self-serving motives. It's the joy and love you want to share with people around. Everyone deserves to feel love? "Dui pu dui?" It's a selfless feeling. You find happiness in making others happy. You feel contented. Subhanallah. You don't need much to give, really. Give love, give laughter, give help. Truly a gift of knowledge........... you see what I did there?
Apart from that, the other day I chance upon a hose in the school cubicle. IT'S LIKE A DREAM COME TRUE. Found a euro coin in the shoe basket at work too, just now. Got to clip my nails(?)
Home girl has to sleep. I've been complaining of lacking of sleep but home girl masih ah taknak tido.
Assalamualaikum, all. <3

Really kudos la to the person who created the word gift. Give a gift. Give a thought. I often do this without realising. I often have thoughts of others. Have they eaten? Are they safe? Do you want food? These socks look cute on you, do you want them? Is Susan cold? Does she need a blanket? I appreciate thoughtfulness. It comes a long way. It expresses deep concern and care. That's how the phrase, "It's the thought that counts" came around. You don't know how small a thought can mean so much to someone. For example, you saw very nice roses. And you thought of your friend. So you got it and G-I-V-E it to her/him. You acknowledged the likes of someone.You acknowledged what/who makes them happy. What more joy can you receive if it's not the joy of making others happy? Really Masha Allah this one. The clarity that I want to be able to convey right here, right now nahh nahh is be thoughtful. The give of thought is something everyone should possess.The world would be a better place, in shaa Allah. There are more other factors to the art of giving you can read on. May you truly be happy.

 I wonder how does it feel to be highly intelligent. Like Iron Man for an example. It's fictional but yeah yeah you get what I mean.I wonder how it feels to create something life changing that could help millions or have a skill that helps save the world. Because I often imagine myself being Agent Romanoff. (takmo lol aku la) (lol to you if you don't know her hahaha) Have like great fighting skills, kick asses of bad people and actually work under an organization that actually needs you to save humanity. I think it's just me being too obsessed watching Marvel movies. 

Thursday 3 May 2018

Ola, beautiful people!

Sorry for the lack of updates. #sisbusy 

I am having my Final Year Project(FYP) now. It's Week 3 and I have been realizing how different is it to be the only girl on the team. (As if, I wasn't already the only girl in my class.) My teammates are fine, it's just me I guess. Being an awkward turtle. 

Now, here's is some upsides and downsides of being a minority(in gender) in a male-dominated course.


  1. You will not find a single problem with using the toilets(in the engineering block). The cubicles are always available. Meaning(?) You won't run out of tissue paper, you can even choose which cubicle to use. Like cmon man, even if you ran out of tissue paper or realized the cubicle is not equipped with a hose. You can just go out the cubicle (takya zip seluar, maybe half wear it)without fearing of anyone seeing you find a hose and pipe in the other cubicle.
  2. Okay, this one is honest. You get approached more by the lecturers or your friends if you need help. Nope, I do not certainly take advantage of this.
  3. Suddenly, you became this one love guru or life coach when people approaches you with their life issues. It feels good to know that your opinion matters. Life advisor. That's me. *wink*


  1. It's difficult not having female friends in class to constantly have your back. No interesting topics to talk about since you're the only girl in class. So you basically have to blend in with the rest, with the most common topic in daily conservations of G-U-Y-S. "girls girls girls..." "motor" "kereta" "game" "fifa" "ps4" "mobile legends" You name it.
  2. When you are having that time of the month, you can't turn to your guy friends to check if stained yourself or what. You will be super insecure at that time of the month fo sho.
  3. You will experience gender discrimination at least once at some points of your college life. Hmm.
  4. You have to observe or hear dirty behavior from the male homo sapiens species. You'll just cringe..... you have to...
  5. They can be rude at times (unintentionally) It's okay. Means you're in the squad.

It's prolly week 9 now. Was supposed to publish this post a long time ago but the "Publish" button was malfunctioning. Boo you! I am talkative to my fyp mates now, which is great! It takes to warm up I guess.... k bye.

Friday 2 February 2018

Sometimes, I don't talk. Because I appreciate quietness and I am tired.

Monday 29 January 2018

a snake bite my butt

The last few days, I dreamt of something eerie but at the same time it wasn't. I dreamt of two snakes which were trying to bite/eat me. I believe in interpretation of dreams, basically. But according to Islam context of course. I did more research on these kind of dreams. There are  3 types of dreams. One is from your imagination, one is from shaytan and the other one is from Allah. Thanks to a friend, I learnt more about dreams from a video. I mean, I would not possibly just randomly dream about snakes kan? Betul tak betul? As I looked up the interpretation, there were quite a few meanings behind it. Depending on what type of snakes, what were the doing, how did the dream went like etc. So there were like two meanings for mine, and both of them conveyed a positive message. *pheww* I can't ah guyyys you know some dreams interpretations so scary la, they say you gonna get divorced or something. Ya Allah, jauhkan la. But we all want those positive meanings, so being typical humans, if the message is positive we are going to accept. And if it's otherwise, we won't believe the shit LOL

But what's more important after that was. I was afraid everytime I peed or shit or just sitting on the toilet seat, some snake gonna bite my ass or private parts HAHAHAHAHHAAHHA. It was not really triggered by the dream, it was this one video I chanced upon whereby someone zoomed into the toilet  bowl and there was a snake hiding inside the waters with it's tongue hissing and all. DAMN SCARY, just now I shit also I scared tau. Then you know how you can hear the flow of water through the pipeline. I imagined a freaking snake was going through the pipeline to my toilet bowl. And I flushed the heck out of my toilet bowl 😂😂 so it's like backflushing la. I flush then the water will go back out mah. Then the snake won't have the chance to appear in the toilet bowl to bite my ass. OKAY I THINK TOO MUCH BUT YEPPPPP!!! I should really stop coming across these kind of videos leh. So freaking paranoid HAHAHHAHA!

Now I'm craving for Yong Tau Foo lol okay dah la bye guys I wanna sleep. 

Friday 26 January 2018

Hello, hello readers! How was your day? I hope you had a lovely day. If it wasn't good, may tomorrow be a better day for you. :)

Today, I am going to talk about one of my favorite fruits(??) PINEAPPLES? Like really Syiqin, cmon. But ya, pineapples are the ish. I used to not like it but just as a grow older, I seem to love it. Weird. Like how I love mangoes too. Pineapples are best eaten just as a fruit. It doesn't belong on a pizza cos it's weird. Doesn't belong in burgers as well like why would you put a huge slice of pineapple with a beef patty under it???? It also does not belong in those masakan Melayu. hais, I know I might be exaggerating but I don't like the taste of it with any other food. Damn weird.

Image result for pineapple pizza

No please no, this looks terribly wrong alreadyyy! Bluek. Anyhoo, I have been thinking of wearing braces again. Hais. Because there's a gap between my teeth. It was my mistake to not wear retainers. I have been surveying for the cheapest braces around sg. Might be considering going jb if it's too expensive here. So should I or should I not? You think???? Okay guys im sorry im really bad at creating content here so i just say what's on my mind.

Maybe I should start talking about what's really on my mind now.

Ignorance. I don't know why- ok hold up my mum just called me when both of us are in the house to remind me not to wash my hair at night because it will affect our brain(??) I ALR GAVE YOU A HEADS UP SO PEOPLE DONT WASH YOUR HAIR AT NIGHT. She also mentioned this woman suffered a stroke because of that.

Okay, I apologized. Sidetracked. Hahaha! Where were we?? Oh, ignorance. I read somewhere on Twitter. So basically, I somehow could relate to what he/she said. When you love hard, you really do. But in a split second, if you feel like leaving. You would... in a heartbeat. It kinda explains how your feelings could go from 100 - 0 and 0 - 100. I am not trying to convey wrong information about me. Of course, I won't lose feelings so easily. I just wanted to emphasize that I could ignore a person for real. Shut him or her out. I don't know whether it is a good characteristic. 

Once you do something wrong or I sense nothing is able to make anything better. I basically shut myself out. Cepat tawar hati.... :/ Which, really, isn't a good thing. I want to change this. It's really frustrating that, I don't give any more chances. Because I don't know whether it's worth giving. I don't make room for mistakes. Mistakes = Improvements (?) No. I don't let the potential of something spur. I lose hope easily. While I don't blame myself but the people who made me feel like this. I am extremely exhausted to be chasing for people, seeing the good out of the people sometimes. All I need is to take care of my heart. I remembered trying to amend things, I thought there was still light. I chased and chased, I made effort to meet up. I made effort to stay communicated but only to be left abandoned. And that's why I left her/him. Don't make a fool out of yourselves, people. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss you know. 

I just want to be able to tell apart the people who is worth the chances I am going to give.

Tuesday 23 January 2018

Assalamualaikum, Everyone! How have you been doing? I am writing here via IPhone so no giffffssss for today. (Step mcm you came here just to see mu gifs!) Anyhoo, feeling really hungry right now after a very very good jogging session just now. I have a secret. Hais. Idk how I shd feel okay about it but Ive been eating rice like 3 days in a row like ummmm umm home girl got her appetite like too much. Put on hold please! Despite that, I lost weight (??) I can't comprehend what sorcery is this HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. Home girl is shocked!!! Hashbrows will be one of my favourite side dishes. Mmmm like with the kuah with the hashbrown ah, scoop tu nasi sikit. *drrrrooooooollllssss*

I would like to give a shout out to the aunties and uncles who have worked extremely hard to clear our mess and make the school really clean. I love yallllll so much. I love how students in sp will clear our mess to the respective you know tempat letak makan. Terlupa the word. Ive adopted the habit to do it outside sch too :') Well speaking from someone who has worked Mcd before, clearing trays and stuffs. I feel very touched to see people who help out.... willingly. Thanks yo, hais.

What else what else eh that happened???? Nasi Ambeng at Hajjah Mariam is life!!!! DO CHECK THEM OUT AT WEST GATE I SWEAR NO RAGRAAATS guys. (Tk habes bbl pasal makanan.)

People asked me before, "Syiqin, would be a teacher?" And it strucked me. NO. Because Im the type of student who observes a teacher and make fun of him/her. Like how the armpit sweaty, then can see sweat stains. I find it amusing. :') I know la tak baik buttttt a student will always be a student.

Any guys, the poll at the side doesn't clicked by itself you know. I want responses. Hais. Thank you. Love you. Chaooooooooooo

Monday 15 January 2018

Being yourself, is good fo sho.
But when do we know, we show too much? Or act a certain way that makes us feel vulnerable?
How much can one express without having to feel that it's too much?
But why must we hide something so good?
What exactly am I afraid of losing?

How can one assure me, in future? With a head filled of doubts and lack of self esteem.
I think I might just turn people down, push them away. I emphasized so much on positivity, but I'm full of negativity at time. Dubious about my own feelings, dubious about the issues that aren't happening but I'm scared, it will. Knowing that things aren't always certain. My mind is playing games, and it is sending the wrong signals to my heart. (Lol drama bbl)

I don't deserve anything or anyone.
Still making the same mistakes.
When do I ever learn?
When I can ever start anew?

(This is the result of overthinking at 1++ in the morning)

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Some people have the cheek to indirectly "beri khabar" despite doing shit to you as if NOTHING IS WRONG. Why bother about me? Good intentions but that is just futile. We good but I don't appreciate it when you are low key contradicting yourself. Stop checking on me using different accounts, will ya? May God bless you. :)

Sunday 7 January 2018


Assalamualaikum, all.

This post might be tad emotional, maybe not emo emo emo gile la but a lil different from all the weird posts I have done. I don't usually like to write this kind of stuff, exposed to the public view because I don't want people to know my... vulnerable side. HAHAHA! It just absurd that I am typing this in a serious tone.

I have actually written a draft that was never posted, a goodbye post dedicated to 2017. But I will let my thoughts flow in this very, maybe lengthy letter before I am going to be hectic with school again.

As I get older, my expectations run low. I don't get tick off over trivial matters, so easily. I am more chilled than I supposed to be. Alhamdullilah. Because there are better things to focus on, right? I am thankful for all the people who thought of me, even when our busy lives got in the way. Syukur alhamdullilah. Being older, it is only right to have a mature thinking already. I really hope from these time onwards, I make right decisions to avoid hurting others or myself in near future. Because what comes around, goes around right? May I find the courage to walk away from matters that won't bring good in near future. Even if it means to walk away from people.

I, without fail, see the good in people. Even if the bad outweighs the good.

This characteristic of mine. I just don't know. Is it good? For always being like that? Knowing it's only a call for trouble? First, second, third or a hill of chances/opportunities I can give from someone that's isn't worthy. SO WHEN DO I LEARN? Sometimes, I struggled. (so any tips on how I can overcome this, please dm me, my friends, bc I want to learn.)

Next off, I am very thankful for feeling so loved on this birthday of mine, yesterday. Effort goes a long way. And it touched me so much. The attention that has been given and all, I am really blessed. The wishes that flooded my phone, unexpected. :') Thank you, everyone, for showering me with constant love. I love you.

Happy blissful marriage Kakak Zimah and Abang Adli. Happy birthday to you too, Kak Zimah. Quite elated to share my birthday with you, knowing that you're super awesome and loving, beautiful inside and out. Thank you for the invitation.

Here's a post to one of my Higher Nitec bitch: HAHAHA SORRY FANDI

All the best for NS life. I would like to say this, on behalf of Hidayah as well, all the best for your future endeavors. Thank you for the great friendship. And Hidayahhh gurrl, if you're reading this. We miss you! :-)

Prized possession big hearrrts, I will take care of this watch forever huhu

Goodnight, for now.