Saturday 19 May 2018

The art of giving


Sorry, sis biskot for a while. Hilang sekejap, very occupied with life. *coughs* I don't know apa angin I feel like blogging. There's so much things contained inside of me that I have to let it out here. Firstly, Ramadhan Kareem to all my Muslim homies all over the world. If you love to fast, say AYEEEEEE. "AYE!" If you love to terawih, say AYEEEEEE. "AYE!" If you love the Ramadhan vibes say OKUUUUURRRRTTTT. "OKURRRRRTTTT!" Noice.

Alhamdullilah, for being able to live another day. Experience the fasting month. I hope you guys are doing well. Healthy and happy, especially. 

Let me avert your attention back to the topic of today, "The Art of Giving". Sounds like a fancy book title, right?

“Give others all that is alive in us—our interest, understanding, our knowledge, our humor, everything in us that’s good. In doing so, we enhance the sense of aliveness in others while enhancing our own. When we give, we get a “heightened vitality” of what it means to be human.” –Erich Fromm

A penny for my thoughts. I grew up in a household where the art of giving always takes place. I can never emphasize further on how the art of giving truly shows the fervent meaning of real happiness? So, what exactly is the art of giving? I am no good at stringing words or sentences together, but in shaa Allah, I will try my best. I feel people who has the art of giving embedded in their hearts find real happiness within themselves with no self-serving motives. It's the joy and love you want to share with people around. Everyone deserves to feel love? "Dui pu dui?" It's a selfless feeling. You find happiness in making others happy. You feel contented. Subhanallah. You don't need much to give, really. Give love, give laughter, give help. Truly a gift of knowledge........... you see what I did there?
Apart from that, the other day I chance upon a hose in the school cubicle. IT'S LIKE A DREAM COME TRUE. Found a euro coin in the shoe basket at work too, just now. Got to clip my nails(?)
Home girl has to sleep. I've been complaining of lacking of sleep but home girl masih ah taknak tido.
Assalamualaikum, all. <3

Really kudos la to the person who created the word gift. Give a gift. Give a thought. I often do this without realising. I often have thoughts of others. Have they eaten? Are they safe? Do you want food? These socks look cute on you, do you want them? Is Susan cold? Does she need a blanket? I appreciate thoughtfulness. It comes a long way. It expresses deep concern and care. That's how the phrase, "It's the thought that counts" came around. You don't know how small a thought can mean so much to someone. For example, you saw very nice roses. And you thought of your friend. So you got it and G-I-V-E it to her/him. You acknowledged the likes of someone.You acknowledged what/who makes them happy. What more joy can you receive if it's not the joy of making others happy? Really Masha Allah this one. The clarity that I want to be able to convey right here, right now nahh nahh is be thoughtful. The give of thought is something everyone should possess.The world would be a better place, in shaa Allah. There are more other factors to the art of giving you can read on. May you truly be happy.

 I wonder how does it feel to be highly intelligent. Like Iron Man for an example. It's fictional but yeah yeah you get what I mean.I wonder how it feels to create something life changing that could help millions or have a skill that helps save the world. Because I often imagine myself being Agent Romanoff. (takmo lol aku la) (lol to you if you don't know her hahaha) Have like great fighting skills, kick asses of bad people and actually work under an organization that actually needs you to save humanity. I think it's just me being too obsessed watching Marvel movies.