Friday 10 August 2018

Basic form of respect or being tactful towards the feelings of othersD

Aye okay this may be a quick one. Just a random thought that's running in my head right now just because I have observed a few situations with my own eyes and of course from what I have encountered back then.

Everyone wants to have that basic mutual respect towards each other. We wouldn't want to belittle the feelings of others right? Because why? We don't want to get our feelings belittled as well. Let's cut straight to the chase shall we...


Damn it, if you want to bahasakan orang ke ape ke. Jgn la nak tell the whole world about it. If ye la pun you fight with your friends or  or your mum or your girlfriend or your boyfriend, why is it a need to highlight their mistakes or wrongdoings and make it known to the whole world? I know social platforms are a good way to rant things out (ayeeeee blogging here) but if it involves the feelings of others that you do not have the intention to hurt, just don't.

For example ah kononnya, Mary ada boyfriend. Nama dia Ben. Mary has been a good girlfriend. Always put in a lot of effort in the relationship, surprise the bf with gifts and such, always being there for him. Ben, being his clueless self, sometimes don't take a hint. Ada la satu hari he made a mistake.
Let's say he lacked in "putting in the effort" part. (Ye la no one is perfect mcm Mary kan sounds like she's a keeper. Keeper sgt sampai mulot mcm....")

Mary start ah ranting in social media and indirectly using movie references to you know... get her message across: "hais why don't edward cullen exist in real life, always put in effort for Bella. Where can I get a man like that" alaaa you can defend all you want but you hell know who you want the message to get across to right?

This is what I meant by belittling the feelings of others. Of course how much a dumbass a person of your boyfriend can be, wouldn't it hurt to rant it somewhere without making it known to any audience? You wouldnt know if he is trying at times even if it's barely there. Why would you want to bring others down for their weaknesses? "Ahhhh maybe to push them to be better people" Uhhh no. If you don't like what a person is doing or any issue that might have arised due to the lack of your selflessness, can you just tell them straight to their face. Tk pon msg pon boleh. There's always a polite manner to handle a situation?

Hais. Im sorry, readers. Truly am. For the sudden outburst. As I myself, have been in this situation before. I have been Mary. HAHAHHAHA. I mean dulu la ye masih in the teens. I admit, i was upset with myself when i read back those statements I made. I mean ye la if someone did me wrong, it wasnt a good way to air their mistakes. Kite pon bukan manusia perfect. In the process of getting our frustrations across, we hurt people along the way. We don't hurt people if they have hurt us. I know it may seem unfair but good always win. It's hard to control emotions sometimes. I do argue with my mum too Sometimes as for an example. But If She would to read all the nasty stuffs I aired out, wldnt it hurt her too? Why would you hurt others for the  hurt that  others inflicted on ourselves? That's just my point of view. You guys may disagree but definitely there are better ways to solve a situation.

It creates an opportunity for unwanted audience to chime in. We don't want that kind of drama.

How difficult it gets, respect the feelings of others. Even if they Are the wrong. Belittling them won't makes us good of a person.