Monday 13 August 2018

Type delete type delete. It's so difficult to put your words into sentences. Or put your feelings into sentences that is...

I feel I have been too caught up in dunia matters at times, and I sometimes catch myself for it. I will tell myself to take a step back and breathe..... and think of Allah. I may not be someone who is really really religious, I'm flawed. Yet I am grateful to have a family and actually am part of a family that is practicing Islam. Constantly and consistently reminding me that one should not be away from Him. 

Sometimes, we can't help out to think of dunia matters. Especially when you feel there's always a problem or a situation thrown at you. When you have to adapt to changes. When you have to keep challenging yourselves to be better people. Sometimes, I feel.... what did I do to be so...  blessed? I am living in a country that is safe(please don't take this for granted everyone), have a loving family, have an opportunity to study and excel, have wonderful friends. Alhamdullilah for everything. What did I do to deserve this? I always feel I don't say thank you enough, be grateful enough. I always feel nothing from me is amounted to be good enough for Allah. I feel so imperfect. Yet I feel so blessed that I get to live through another day. Or am I grateful that He has given me patience and positiveness  to overcome problems. I don't know what it is. The more I talk, the more I felt that the conversation is going elsewhere but I am really thankful for this life. I could have it worse.

I know everyone comes from different family backgrounds. Everyone leads a different life. But what I am certain, everyone is here in this Dunya for a purpose. And whatever we do, I hope and I pray all of us will reflect at the end of the day. No happiness comes from us but from Him. We will always think and thank our Creator. For all the good and the bad. Because the good comes from Him and the bad only comes from us. 

To those who had it worser than me, those are the people that are stronger than me. And if you ever feel that nothing can be better, I hope you'll find your way towards Him. ❤️ That's your only answer.