Thursday 3 May 2018

Ola, beautiful people!

Sorry for the lack of updates. #sisbusy 

I am having my Final Year Project(FYP) now. It's Week 3 and I have been realizing how different is it to be the only girl on the team. (As if, I wasn't already the only girl in my class.) My teammates are fine, it's just me I guess. Being an awkward turtle. 

Now, here's is some upsides and downsides of being a minority(in gender) in a male-dominated course.


  1. You will not find a single problem with using the toilets(in the engineering block). The cubicles are always available. Meaning(?) You won't run out of tissue paper, you can even choose which cubicle to use. Like cmon man, even if you ran out of tissue paper or realized the cubicle is not equipped with a hose. You can just go out the cubicle (takya zip seluar, maybe half wear it)without fearing of anyone seeing you find a hose and pipe in the other cubicle.
  2. Okay, this one is honest. You get approached more by the lecturers or your friends if you need help. Nope, I do not certainly take advantage of this.
  3. Suddenly, you became this one love guru or life coach when people approaches you with their life issues. It feels good to know that your opinion matters. Life advisor. That's me. *wink*


  1. It's difficult not having female friends in class to constantly have your back. No interesting topics to talk about since you're the only girl in class. So you basically have to blend in with the rest, with the most common topic in daily conservations of G-U-Y-S. "girls girls girls..." "motor" "kereta" "game" "fifa" "ps4" "mobile legends" You name it.
  2. When you are having that time of the month, you can't turn to your guy friends to check if stained yourself or what. You will be super insecure at that time of the month fo sho.
  3. You will experience gender discrimination at least once at some points of your college life. Hmm.
  4. You have to observe or hear dirty behavior from the male homo sapiens species. You'll just cringe..... you have to...
  5. They can be rude at times (unintentionally) It's okay. Means you're in the squad.

It's prolly week 9 now. Was supposed to publish this post a long time ago but the "Publish" button was malfunctioning. Boo you! I am talkative to my fyp mates now, which is great! It takes to warm up I guess.... k bye.