Monday 15 January 2018

Being yourself, is good fo sho.
But when do we know, we show too much? Or act a certain way that makes us feel vulnerable?
How much can one express without having to feel that it's too much?
But why must we hide something so good?
What exactly am I afraid of losing?

How can one assure me, in future? With a head filled of doubts and lack of self esteem.
I think I might just turn people down, push them away. I emphasized so much on positivity, but I'm full of negativity at time. Dubious about my own feelings, dubious about the issues that aren't happening but I'm scared, it will. Knowing that things aren't always certain. My mind is playing games, and it is sending the wrong signals to my heart. (Lol drama bbl)

I don't deserve anything or anyone.
Still making the same mistakes.
When do I ever learn?
When I can ever start anew?

(This is the result of overthinking at 1++ in the morning)