Friday 26 January 2018

Hello, hello readers! How was your day? I hope you had a lovely day. If it wasn't good, may tomorrow be a better day for you. :)

Today, I am going to talk about one of my favorite fruits(??) PINEAPPLES? Like really Syiqin, cmon. But ya, pineapples are the ish. I used to not like it but just as a grow older, I seem to love it. Weird. Like how I love mangoes too. Pineapples are best eaten just as a fruit. It doesn't belong on a pizza cos it's weird. Doesn't belong in burgers as well like why would you put a huge slice of pineapple with a beef patty under it???? It also does not belong in those masakan Melayu. hais, I know I might be exaggerating but I don't like the taste of it with any other food. Damn weird.

Image result for pineapple pizza

No please no, this looks terribly wrong alreadyyy! Bluek. Anyhoo, I have been thinking of wearing braces again. Hais. Because there's a gap between my teeth. It was my mistake to not wear retainers. I have been surveying for the cheapest braces around sg. Might be considering going jb if it's too expensive here. So should I or should I not? You think???? Okay guys im sorry im really bad at creating content here so i just say what's on my mind.

Maybe I should start talking about what's really on my mind now.

Ignorance. I don't know why- ok hold up my mum just called me when both of us are in the house to remind me not to wash my hair at night because it will affect our brain(??) I ALR GAVE YOU A HEADS UP SO PEOPLE DONT WASH YOUR HAIR AT NIGHT. She also mentioned this woman suffered a stroke because of that.

Okay, I apologized. Sidetracked. Hahaha! Where were we?? Oh, ignorance. I read somewhere on Twitter. So basically, I somehow could relate to what he/she said. When you love hard, you really do. But in a split second, if you feel like leaving. You would... in a heartbeat. It kinda explains how your feelings could go from 100 - 0 and 0 - 100. I am not trying to convey wrong information about me. Of course, I won't lose feelings so easily. I just wanted to emphasize that I could ignore a person for real. Shut him or her out. I don't know whether it is a good characteristic. 

Once you do something wrong or I sense nothing is able to make anything better. I basically shut myself out. Cepat tawar hati.... :/ Which, really, isn't a good thing. I want to change this. It's really frustrating that, I don't give any more chances. Because I don't know whether it's worth giving. I don't make room for mistakes. Mistakes = Improvements (?) No. I don't let the potential of something spur. I lose hope easily. While I don't blame myself but the people who made me feel like this. I am extremely exhausted to be chasing for people, seeing the good out of the people sometimes. All I need is to take care of my heart. I remembered trying to amend things, I thought there was still light. I chased and chased, I made effort to meet up. I made effort to stay communicated but only to be left abandoned. And that's why I left her/him. Don't make a fool out of yourselves, people. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss you know. 

I just want to be able to tell apart the people who is worth the chances I am going to give.