Monday 29 January 2018

a snake bite my butt

The last few days, I dreamt of something eerie but at the same time it wasn't. I dreamt of two snakes which were trying to bite/eat me. I believe in interpretation of dreams, basically. But according to Islam context of course. I did more research on these kind of dreams. There are  3 types of dreams. One is from your imagination, one is from shaytan and the other one is from Allah. Thanks to a friend, I learnt more about dreams from a video. I mean, I would not possibly just randomly dream about snakes kan? Betul tak betul? As I looked up the interpretation, there were quite a few meanings behind it. Depending on what type of snakes, what were the doing, how did the dream went like etc. So there were like two meanings for mine, and both of them conveyed a positive message. *pheww* I can't ah guyyys you know some dreams interpretations so scary la, they say you gonna get divorced or something. Ya Allah, jauhkan la. But we all want those positive meanings, so being typical humans, if the message is positive we are going to accept. And if it's otherwise, we won't believe the shit LOL

But what's more important after that was. I was afraid everytime I peed or shit or just sitting on the toilet seat, some snake gonna bite my ass or private parts HAHAHAHAHHAAHHA. It was not really triggered by the dream, it was this one video I chanced upon whereby someone zoomed into the toilet  bowl and there was a snake hiding inside the waters with it's tongue hissing and all. DAMN SCARY, just now I shit also I scared tau. Then you know how you can hear the flow of water through the pipeline. I imagined a freaking snake was going through the pipeline to my toilet bowl. And I flushed the heck out of my toilet bowl 😂😂 so it's like backflushing la. I flush then the water will go back out mah. Then the snake won't have the chance to appear in the toilet bowl to bite my ass. OKAY I THINK TOO MUCH BUT YEPPPPP!!! I should really stop coming across these kind of videos leh. So freaking paranoid HAHAHHAHA!

Now I'm craving for Yong Tau Foo lol okay dah la bye guys I wanna sleep.