Tuesday 23 January 2018

Assalamualaikum, Everyone! How have you been doing? I am writing here via IPhone so no giffffssss for today. (Step mcm you came here just to see mu gifs!) Anyhoo, feeling really hungry right now after a very very good jogging session just now. I have a secret. Hais. Idk how I shd feel okay about it but Ive been eating rice like 3 days in a row like ummmm umm home girl got her appetite like too much. Put on hold please! Despite that, I lost weight (??) I can't comprehend what sorcery is this HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. Home girl is shocked!!! Hashbrows will be one of my favourite side dishes. Mmmm like with the kuah with the hashbrown ah, scoop tu nasi sikit. *drrrrooooooollllssss*

I would like to give a shout out to the aunties and uncles who have worked extremely hard to clear our mess and make the school really clean. I love yallllll so much. I love how students in sp will clear our mess to the respective you know tempat letak makan. Terlupa the word. Ive adopted the habit to do it outside sch too :') Well speaking from someone who has worked Mcd before, clearing trays and stuffs. I feel very touched to see people who help out.... willingly. Thanks yo, hais.

What else what else eh that happened???? Nasi Ambeng at Hajjah Mariam is life!!!! DO CHECK THEM OUT AT WEST GATE I SWEAR NO RAGRAAATS guys. (Tk habes bbl pasal makanan.)

People asked me before, "Syiqin, would be a teacher?" And it strucked me. NO. Because Im the type of student who observes a teacher and make fun of him/her. Like how the armpit sweaty, then can see sweat stains. I find it amusing. :') I know la tak baik buttttt a student will always be a student.

Any guys, the poll at the side doesn't clicked by itself you know. I want responses. Hais. Thank you. Love you. Chaooooooooooo