Saturday 3 June 2017


Hello everyone! Remembered when I said I wanted to blog something after obviously didn't happen. *smh* Here I am writing aimlessly when I have a 3000 word report to do due this Sunday in hard copy. 

H A R D C O P Y.

You should probably know that I am deaf at one side of ear, my left ear, not literally deaf. But I could not hear properly for two weeks. More than two weeks!! I think I got to use to it but it's so frustrating that I hear things wrongly. Thanks to swimming. I had not swum for years now and when I finally did, I decided to go deaf. #storyofmylife I am just glad that I didn't go deaf on the right ear too.

So what has happened for the past few months or weeks or since the start of 2017. Let me see, I cut my hair short, cut ties with some people...or maybe just one, tried to go longer nails, had a pet fish for a span of one month but it died.... sorry Shaniqua. Grew plants, but also died. Anything that I touches, dies............ Calculated the crazy amount of money I spent on grab/uber, joined an Astronomy CCA, tried to whistle register(meaning try to hit the whistle notes like how Mariah Carey and Ariana Grande do it), make balloon swords, bake a cake, bake cookies, tied neon sticks onto my room fan and watch the lights flicker, tried to do the 30 day squat challenge but came to a halt on day 3 bc there's no good excuse I can give actually. I don't remember everything but yup, there you have it so far. I bought two vanilla ice creams for myself. Since the holidays are here, I can start to do my DIY projects that Ive been wanting to do...............


goodnight, x