Thursday 8 June 2017

one more time

I don't know what's with me and my book of goals. I've been writing this book of goals ever since earlier last year or the ending of the year before. Initially, it was only for my sharing but due to unforeseen circumstances now I have to rewrite the everything into a new book. New start I must say. I use to bring the book everywhere, so whatever that comes up into my mind. I will quickly write it down. This is exactly what it looks like: 

Sometimes I will just write motivational tips. Anyhoo, the other day I watched this one episode from Phineas and Ferb and how they were engaging in Pyramid Sports and it got me thinking how can people are able to do........


 Crazy. You know what's crazier?

I would like to ask what kind of make up you are using, homegirl?

But I applaud them for their strength and courage in engaging a strenuous sport. I can't even stay afloat, what more this right?

At days when the end of the rope is frayed yet I have that ounce of hope garnered in me to keep on holding tight, got me thinking. 

"When is enough, really enough?"

How do you actually tell when enough is actually enough? How can you tell if it's worth the go or it isn't? Does it based on how much you can take it despite knowing the fact that the probability of a good outcome don't actually exist? You know the situation is already messed up, yet you still have faith that it's going to turn out fine. 

"So how do you save yourselves, first?"

How do you actually save yourself before the hurt comes along it's way? How do you stop perseverance? Questions I have asked myself too many times. I always believe of the greater good. I always believe that people need the chances to change for his or her better so we should always continue to wait, persevere and support. I used to believe that. I use to give tons of chances for a person to change his or her ways, fervently hoping that there's still hope left in their hearts to become better. But change doesn't come overnight. So I had to believe again that it takes time, a month passed, three or four, soon a year or then two years or more. And that hope dies a little every time promises are made. Because promises break. So what's a promise if it's meaning is futile as it is? So to those whose hearts are bigger than the world could ever take, I admire you. I admire you for all the times that you see only the good out of people when you had the chance to walk away knowing that this won't go anywhere. Yet you stay and when everything just flopped, you don't really blame the other party as much as you blame yourselves.... what a big heart you have there.

But, obviously you know. You can't shy away from the truth. The truth that sometimes you can't hold that rope too tightly with its frayed end. Because once it snaps, there's no turning back.

So..... out of boredom the other day. I mean at 1 plus in the morning. Look who decided to look for food hacks. So how did it turned out? TIRING! I waited for half an hour to cook, I don't think it was even fully cooked by then. 90%? The texture was something I have never experienced before. It looked like those fake food displays outside a ramen stall. LOLOLOL! So people, homegirl here suggest you to cook using a stove. Wanted to cook some sort of turkey bacon and then I realised I actually don't have any frozen food in my fridge. Sucks! I used to remove the orange from its peel and crack an egg in there and cooked in on the stove. Which didnt go well. HAHAHAHAHHA! Me and my antics like seriously.

Well, this is particularly a hotel hack which I came across. It reminded when Shereen and I cooked mac and cheese in a water boiler and it turned out nasty. I got my inspiration from......

Who else if it isn't Natalie Tran!! Watched her ever since 2010. Thanks Delly for introducing me to her! Love love x

til next post, yea? x