Monday 12 June 2017


May Peace Be Upon You.

Trying the default font instead of the Arial font I usually use just to see if it's nice. Very tiring day because went to Geylang with Shereen and some of my secondary juniors. Was not as chatty because I was super hungry and the crowd just now was cray cray at some areas of Geylang that I suggested that we need rafia strings to tie onto each other so neither of us will get lost huhuhu! The food stalls were in abundance, I think more than those who are selling clothes. Was super stoked because I get to eat my cut up paprika chicken which was a resemblance to the XXL chicken from the taiwan shop you can get here in sg or the halal ones at Malaysia hehehehe i told you chicken is life!

Not only that, Shereen and I bought this $3 ice ball which was a thirst quencher! I couldn't imagine how a blob of circular ice with syrup flavorings altogether would taste so so so so so so so so so so so so so so dang goooooddddd :P 

I didn't know hanging curtains the old school way could be so tiring. You have to remove and insert hooks onto the curtains and hang them properly. The curtains are so heavy and I swear I thought I popped a bone by the time I rested. 

Hook you insert into a curtain...... There are like idk 20 hooks altogether! Or more. Crazy.

The curtains are hooked into this. You need precision I tell you ceh!

I remembered yelling my lungs out when I saw a gecko. I think the gecko also low key yelled and terkejot cos it saw an ugly human like dannnngggg why you ugly, human? But i was glad it wasn't a cockroach because that would be a whole new level of geli lol.

So earlier on while I waited for Shereen, I saw a man whom I assumed had "Craniectomy" was pacing carefully around the block just now. I just felt calm in a way that he seemed happy that he had the chance to exercise. May Allah bless him with good health. Amin.

On a random note, I researched on belly buttons. Belly button, a.k.a navel, where your umbilical cord is cut when you were a baby, So before you start judging me, saying that I am weird for even researching about belly buttons. Sekejap bbl pasal ni la, pasal tu la tsk hahaha. Whatever, I'll just proceed. I am quite unsure what show I watched but I believe some people think that outies are ugly. So what is an outie belly button if you wonder.......

OUTIE! Look at that cinnamon roll/croissant. It does look
like one right? HAHAHAHAHHA! Eveything I look at is food. Tsk Qy tskkkk,

"Outies usually occur when more of the umbilical cord is left when it's cut, leading to more skin left over once it dries out."

Most of us are innies. Honestly, I don't look think an outie is ugly. I think all belly buttons are beautiful. On the positive side, an outie looks like a cinnamon roll. So fret not, outies! 

Wait for it.....


So let my research go deeper hor....

If you stare at it long enough actually, it looks like they have their life on their own. :/ Weird uhh.


Mine looks like neither any of them lol. I don't know but I am starting to feel like every navel is made different. Like a thumbprint. Because mine looks nothing like that. N O T H I N G! If you detest your belly button so much, you can actually undergo surgery for it. Idky would you, SERIOUSLY! I mean if you often wear crop tops then maybe la got definite reason to go but seriously guys. It is just a belly button. You could use the money to buy shoes or deng deng! Like srsly. Deng deng is $10 for 200g mind you! How costly is that. Tkde any beverage comes with that. $10!!!! Or just do better things with the money than to undergo a belly button surgery. Cmon guys!!!! The surgery is called umbilicoplasty.

In the 1960s, censors wouldn't let women show their belly buttons on TV. (HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!)

Belly button lint comes from our clothes. Men tend to have more because it gets caught in their belly hairs. (EEE korang please eh kaum lelaki, tolong eh korang. Clean!)

I used to keep food inside my belly button when I was a toddler! Lol! I thought that was the purpose of it. To hide away your M&Ms because why? Because I don't share food. If I do, you must be somebody hahahahhaa

Morning anws, x