Monday 11 February 2019

Oh Allah.

When Im being reminded of you, is the most beautiful feeling ever. Days have been busy, dunya had make me a busy person. Even so, whenever I hear stories of Nabi Muhammad SAW or how beautiful Islam is, you make my heart full. Full of content, full of gratefulness. I know my wrong doings, I know my flaws. I know I am no where near a perfect Muslim. Yet, Masha Allah, the knowledge I received about Islam, makes me want to be a better person.

Ya Allah, thank you for opening my heart. I love to seek for You. You make me happy. Bless me, Ya Allah. Bless me with good health so I can live longer and grow old gracefully. With a inquisitive mind set, so I can gather knowledge from around the world.

Ya Allah, I feel in awe of this world that you have created even if this world is made to break humankind. Through all the adversities and triumphs, we can see the beauty in between the cracks.

Oh Allah, I can't thank you enough.

Please make me a better Muslimah. Amin.