Sunday 3 February 2019

Today is Nyai's 70th Birthday. Alhamdullilah. Semoga Allah panjangkan umur and murahkan rezeki nyai. Amin Amin amin robbal alamin. It has been months since I last visited nyai. Could not find the time to do so because whenever I want to, my body is lethargic from school. The copious amount of revision and thoughts of doing well for the EOY exam left me dry and dead, figuratively. It's no excuse of course. But I promised her that I'll visit her often after I am finish with exams.
I miss her and yai so so much. Nyai is soft spoken now, with few words to say. Not as focus as before. I teared a while looking at her just now. Imagining the worst, would if I lose her someday. I promise nyai and yai that I will do well. Have a successful career and always be generous to people around you. In Shaa Allah.