Friday 15 September 2017

I thought by this age, I would get my life together. Have a successful career, already gotten married(lol tk habis habis don't worry im not even thinking about it now), travel the world bla bla bla. You know all those things you dream to achieve by a certain age. However, I feel lost than ever. Pursing a diploma that I don't even think I would make a living out of it. Sometimes, you feel that you've hit rock bottom but sometimes you try to comfort yourself that your problems are smaller than others. Friends of my age have graduated long ago and are now working, some are also married. But I tell always tell myself every time, that everything is going to be okay. You are supposed to feel lost in your twenties. This is a phase in your life that you are suppose to explore. You might lose interest in the things you love, and it feels like you are going back to square one.

I wish I could have make smarter decisions. Until this day, I can't stop blaming myself for my past decisions and the decisions I made now. GET YOURSELF TOGETHER, SYIQIN!!

Overthinking isn't good either on the other hand. What's the point of complaining? What's the point of constantly worrying and ask why this and why that? Well, I have read somewhere that it isn't good to have these kind of thoughts in the first place. I know it is only human nature to feel this way but if you keep complaining and complaining, you are a disconcerted kind of person who is unappreciative. Sometimes, you need that extra kick to get on your feet back and keep hustling. Thanks, Beyonce.

So, you might ask wtf am I going to do now after expressing my concerns just now(jgn perasan Syiqin tkde orang tanya, im going to tell you anyways........):

  • Put an end to things that is not right. Keh-mon ah, I think I am matured enough to think what's right and wrong(??) Amend things.
  • Be more discipline. Okay tk tipu, I lacked of discipline. Sometimes, semangat seminit. I am not motivated enough, went too fast then suddenly stagnant gitu. Sheesh
  • Make a timeline. If I planned to do something, I ensure there's a dead line for it now. So I won't halfway give up on stuffs so easily.
So that's all I can think of now.

.....................oh and takmu nak hilangkan barang je ughh.

Okay, belanja one gambar with the cutie nephew. HUEHUEHUEHUEHUE!!!