Monday 18 March 2019

Oh Allah.

Is it going to be the end of times? Astagfirullah. As much as I don't want to think about it. But why do I feel this way? As year after year passes, more and more tragedies and crisis are happening around the world. Some of the technologies are quite incredible I must say, but some are far too much. I have loss a lot of my innocent brothers and sisters in the world. Please grant them a place in Jannah. Amin.

What am I suppose to do? How can I help? I feel useless staring at the television screen. There's another side of the world in great suffering. I'm under a roof, with food to eat. Living in one of the most affluent countries with a high standard of living and life expectancy. What is it in for me? I am grateful. Oh yes. But if I am comfortable in dunya, is it unlikely so in the hereafter?

I seek more knowledge, Ya Allah. Show me. What can I do to help, to make this world a better place.

From political issues to environmental ones. Could I even live to see 20 more years?

I pray that this world will be a better place. But this dunya isn't fit for us. It isn't a place for us.