Tuesday 25 December 2018

Oh Allah. I am sorry for the days that I sounded ungrateful. I am sorry for the days for
not being a good muslimah. Guide me the way, Ya Allah.

It's nice to know that I am being needed :')

Monday 17 December 2018

Stabbed my heart from time to time upon the thoughts of never being adequate

Saturday 15 December 2018

Hi, holidays! We meet again, alhamdullilah. Nope, no time to slack. Unfortunately.

My stomach feels uneasy. Basically pooped water for the last 3 days. I am not sure what quite happened here. I know I ate salad from Cold Storage near my workplace. I ate some healthy wholemeal oat buns too. The next day, I came running to the toilet and there it was watered poop. My stomach churned and churned. I had some sort of contractions as if someone is squeezing my intestines. My cousin gave me some medications yesterday and I feel so much better now. Alhamdullilah. My stomach feels empty though. In shaa Allah, takde pape. I just want to be healthy.

Haven't seen my siblings for a while now. I miss them. Is this how it feels to grow up? I am cooped in my room, the door locked. Fiddling with handphone, scrolling through facebook and youtube. Deactivated my Instagram recently. I feel the need to purge my thoughts from the judgment and negativity of social media. I hope it stays this way. I should create a new facebook account as well. I don't know 95% of my facebook friends.

I look forward to spending my time with my fiance. I always look forward to meeting him, and his family. I look forward to seeing my cousins, my other family members. I have so many things running in my mind. What am I suppose to do first? What's important first?

I call my fiance, KOC. In WhatsApp of course. I don't feel like referring him to any of his initials yet. Well, he reminded me of the importance of Allah. I always feel..... lonely. I always, low key, complain of being lonely. Allah is always there. Have I done enough to call Him out? Why must I feel this way? All my flaws and mistakes slowly exposed. I feel He is reaching towards me, showing me the solutions. I guess I am too ignorant to realize. Dumb and ignorant. Forgive me. 😪

I feel my motivation does not come in the form of actions, instead, words. I feel I need a push. How am I going to be the best version of myself, if I am so ignorant? Where's the girl who used to jot down things in her random book. Her ideas, her thoughts. Where is that person?

Oh Allah, help me. I am lost. I need guidance.

To avert your attention from my helpless self, I have thought about an idea of creating a superhero character in comics. It may sound stupid, but it might be an interesting project.

Til then, goodnight xx