Wednesday 26 September 2018

Like most of the years, 2018 is passing by in a blink of an eye. With the thought of graduation next year, am I really ready for adulthood? Of course I am but it's gonna be a bit weird transitioning from schooling to working because home girl has been schooling since forever. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for all my achievements so far. Alhamdullilah. Big planes ahead, when I mean big. It's big. Ya Allah, ease my affairs. Bless me in everything I do. Amin.

I have been working consistently during holidays now. And man, even though work is tiring. I love work. The people, the customers and what's not. And if you didn't already know, I am working part time in retail @ Orchard. Thanks to my sayang, Dini, I had the opportunity to work. Thanks sayang! Now there's no reason for me to complain, "dah lama tak jalan jalan kat town" because I'm at town like 4/5 days a week. The thought of gg work after sch already makes me so tired than I alr am right now 😩 I do miss the naps I used to take after school. But oh wells. It's totally fine.

Sometimes, I wonder. The people along the streets or whoever, whom asked for money from strangers. I really can't tell apart from those who are actually needy and those who aren't. A week ago, an old man at the bus stop near my place was staring at me weirdly. I knew la like something was not right. He went up to me complaning about his son, his condition and how
he did not have money to eat. I fished out a note and gave it to him. He seemed so grateful. But as I boarded the bus, he sat down at the seat where I first saw him. It got me thinking, is he going to ask for money from other people besides me? I don't mind lending a helping hand but if someone does it deliberately to con you. Well, that sucks. We will never know people's intentions so it's better to just keep quiet. I know of some people who pesters you, "forces" you to donate. That is really ridiculous la cmon la. 

Anyhoo, I want to get something off my chest.

I hate to think of bad memories or any kind of situation(whether present/past) which isn't a pleasant one. Especially when you were the one being kicked in the dirt without even knowing why you deserve that. But I truly feel disturb and certainly DO NOT APPRECIATE if anyone still checks up on me on a regular or frequently. I forgive but I won't ever forget all the hardships that dragged me down. Especially those that scarred me. I know too much and I am so grateful that I am out of the hell hole. There will always be a certain someone who will talk trash about you that isn't true just to make him/her look good or appear innocent. *coughs* Tahu tak apa fitnah? Well, this world is so small I know. Tapi tkde kene mengena jangan nak kirim salam ke apa. Dah maafkan dah bagus, sudah tu sudah. Takde kaitan lagi kalau nak tanya kau kenal sesiapa yang aku kenal abeh nak mcm beri khabar. Some people tak sedar diri. Act as if nothing happened. So.... I never want to cross paths ever again. Don't check on me. Don't ask about me. Don't ever ask about my family members or friends. :)